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shut up和shut off的区别

1. put out: 伸出,倾倒,拿出去,放在外边,出版,发布,公布,扑灭,熄灭(灯火、香烟、蜡烛)等如:Put out your tongue.伸出你的舌头Put the shoes out.。shut up和shut off的区别?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!

shut up和shut off的区别(1)

shut up和shut off的区别(1)

1. put out: 伸出,倾倒,拿出去,放在外边,出版,发布,公布,扑灭,熄灭(灯火、香烟、蜡烛)等。如:

Put out your tongue.伸出你的舌头。

Put the shoes out.把鞋放在外面。

The company put out a report.公司公布了一份报告。

Put out the milk into the glass.把牛奶倒在杯子里。

Put out the fire as soon as possible.尽快把火扑灭。

The magazine will be put out soon. 这个杂志很快就会出版。

2. shut up:闭嘴,关上(房屋等),把……关(藏)起来。关灯(机器)应该用shut off。如:

Shut (her)up!(让她)闭嘴!

We have to shut up the shop shut him up.我们不得不关闭这家店(把他关起来)。

Shut off the light machine.关上灯(机器)。

3. turn off :关掉(灯、水、煤气、机器、电流等),驶离,拐弯等。

Turn off the light.关灯。

The car turned off the highway.这辆车驶离了公路。

Turn off here.在这里拐弯。

shut up和shut off的区别(2)

shut up和shut off的区别(2)

shut up密封,住口(口语用)

不常用的:shut off 停止,关闭


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