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merchants是什么意思 clerics呢

Merchants Manager招商经理拼音双语对照双语例句1Merchants Assistant Manager: 1. Reception day-to-day work;招商部司理助理:1。merchants是什么意思 clerics呢?更多详情请大家跟着小编一起来看看吧!

merchants是什么意思 clerics呢(1)

merchants是什么意思 clerics呢(1)

Merchants Manager招商经理拼音双语对照双语例句1Merchants Assistant Manager: 1. Reception day-to-day work;招商部司理助理:1。日常欢迎工作; 2The president and general manager Wu Shipeng warmly welcome thetraveling merchants and friends at home and aboard to come to ourcompany for further talk of business and exchange of feeling.公司董事长、总经理吴仕鹏欢迎国内外客商及各界朋友来我公司业务洽谈和感情交流。


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